Until mid-June 2022, the activities in physics include science brainstorming activities attended by students, lecturers and several medical physics colleagues throughout Indonesia with interesting material Quantitave Myocardial MRI by Pandji Triadyaksa, S.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D. and the inauguration of the 7th Professor in Physics UNDIP, namely Prof.Dr. Grace Gernowo, S.Si., M.Si on June 14, 2022 at Prof. Sudarto Building, SH with the title of a speech on Hydrometerological Natural Disaster Mitigation Based on Tropical Extreme Atmospheric Dynamics in Indonesia and the Selection of the Online Examination for Medical Physicist Professional Education was held on June 19, 2022 at the UNDIP Campus with an admission quota of 48 people, namely a regular class of 24 people and a past learning recognition class (RPL) of 24 people.