
Physics Study Program is one of the courses at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Diponegoro. S1 Physics Studies Program was established sabagai part of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Engineering to Rector No.63 / SK / PT09 / 1988 in 1988. According to the Minister of Education and Culture No.0369 / 0/1993, Faculty of Mathematics and Science nature established in 1993 with 4 courses are: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics.

At first activities learning were carried out at the Engineering Campus at Jl. Mataram, while administrative and faculty rooms are in the Physics Laboratory of the University Campus Diponegoro Jl. Hayam Wuruk. With the completion of the building the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Tembalang, then since 1992 Physics Study Program moved to a new campus in Tembalang today.

Start in 2016 with the changing status of the University of Diponegoro into PTN-BH, the Physics Department changed its name to the Department of Physics with Study Program: Master of Physics and Physical Science. The latest accreditation from the Department of Physics is A with No. 0348 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / S / IV / 2016. Address of the Department of Physics is the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Jl. Prof. Sudarto SH, Tembalang, Semarang. Tel. (024) 76480822 Fax (024) 76480822 E-mail: departemen@fisika.fsm.undip.ac.id




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