As the year 2024 unfolds, an auspicious beginning marks the implementation of the Physical Medical Physicist competency test, a crucial step in the professional education of medical physicists. The examination, conducted by entities such as the Professional Medical Physicist Study Program (PSPFM), AFISMI (, and the Indonesian Medical Physicists Collegium, consists of both written and interview assessments adhering to the standards outlined in the medical physicist profession (

This competency test aims to equip graduates, soon to be conferred the title of F.Med, with essential knowledge, skills, and a work ethic vital for maintaining the quality of nuclear energy utilization equipment. Subsequently, these graduates will assume the role of clinical mentors in hospitals, where they have undergone their residency as part of the medical physicist professional education in Yogyakarta. It’s noteworthy that the registration selection for the professional education of medical physicists occurs annually in May-June, and interested individuals can access the application process via

The upcoming cohort of graduates is scheduled for their University-level convocation at the end of January 2024. Looking ahead, the next competency test is slated for May 2024, with the participation of 23 students from the PSPFM. This comprehensive evaluation is a testament to the commitment to maintaining the highest standards in the field of medical physics.




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