The Physics Student Association (HMF) of Diponegoro University (Undip) held a TOEFL Training Webinar through the zoom application which lasted for 3 days. The activity entitled Enhance Your English Skill and Achieve High Scores in TOEFL presented speakers from one of the best English course places in Indonesia.

The purpose of the TOEFL Training Webinar, said Rizky Agung as the Head of Undip Student Association (HMF) in the opening remarks of this event was to find out and improve the English language skills of physics students in particular.

The first day of the TOEFL training, Friday (01/07/2022), began with opening remarks from the head of the committee, the head of the undip physics student association, and the head of the physics department. The material discussed on the first day was related to the Listening Compreherension delivered by Ria Lestari. He introduced several aspects of the TOEFL test and explained tips and tricks in doing this TOEFL listening problem. He also conveyed to the participants to get used to listening to songs or movies in English, so that it is easy and familiar with this TOEFL listening question.

TOEFL Training On the second day, Saturday (02/07/2022), with the subject matter in the form of Structure and Written Expression or known as English grammar. Miss Ria said that each language has different grammar rules as an example of English grammar with Indonesian grammar.

According to him, the grammar in Indonesian does not change over time as the verb meal will always be the same even if it is done yesterday, now or tomorrow. Unlike English where the word eat which means to eat will change to eat, eat, and eaten depending on the description of the time the work was done

“This structure is the most challenging because it is rich even though we have learned general English but when working on the structure ko is different?, because we have to remember again because the structure and written expression in this TOEFL is an academic English grammar strandar,” said the woman who is familiarly called Miss Ria.

The third day of TOEFL training, Sunday (03/07/2022), with the subject matter in the form of Reading Comprehension was delivered by the same resource person as the previous two days. Before entering the material delivery session, Miss Ria asked the participants present to do 10 Reading and Comprehension questions first.

Then, In the material delivery session, Miss Ria conveyed some tips and tricks in doing this toefl assignment. Such as the importance of mastering vocabulary (words in English), the importance of understanding the meaning of a question question, as well as tips for doing so as not to read all the reading paragraphs that will take up time.

However, according to miss ria of some of these things, there is one mindset that must be possessed when you want to get a high score in the TOEFL reading section. Therefore, this matter he emphasized several times more.

“You have to have motivation, you still have 55 minutes that you have to really show your maximum performance, so you have to settle your mind you have to focus,” said the English teacher in the LC English village.

Reporter : Renita muji Lestari

Author: Renita Muji Lestari

Editor : Renita Muji Lestari

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