“The training for Medical Radiation Protection Officers (MRPO) 1, batch 3, is conducted by Smart Solution, a training and expertise institution at FSM UNDIP. The training took place from October 9th to October 20th, 2023, at FSM UNDIP and was attended by 19 participants from various hospital institutions. The opening ceremony was led by the Head of the Committee, Prof. Dr. Heri Sutanto, S.Si., M.Si., F.Med, and Mr. Zaenal Arifin, S.Si., M.Si., F.Med, the Manager of Smart Solution. They provided guidance for the success of the training and the key to passing the BAPETEN SIB exam. The training materials were delivered by lecturers from the Physics Department of UNDIP. The topics covered various subjects, including nuclear regulations, safety culture, management and organization, basic radiation physics, radiation protection fundamentals, biological effects of radiation, radiation protection and safety programs, workplace radiation exposure protection, medical radiation exposure protection, transportation and security of radioactive materials, radiation protection basics, radiation dosimetry, radioactive waste management, and practical work in radiotherapy and nuclear medicine installations. For more information about the training, you can visit this link: https://bit.ly/PendaftaranPesertaPelatihanPPRMedik.”




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