The Medical Radiation Protection Training, Batch 2, was conducted from June 5th to June 16th, 2023, with trainers from the Physics Department of Diponegoro University. The training aimed to provide participants with knowledge, skills, and a work ethic in radiation protection and safety. The training covered topics such as safety culture, radiation-related regulations, basic radiation protection, biological effects of radiation, radiation measurement devices, personal protective equipment, occupational and medical exposure protection, emergency handling, transportation, and security of radioactive materials. The Training Coordinator, Prof. Heri Sutanto, S.Si., M.Si., F.Med, reported that participants would pass the training with a minimum score of 70 out of 100 in written and interview assessments and would be eligible to take the BAPETEN SIB examination on June 16th, 2023.

During the closing ceremony on June 16th, 2023, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Prof. Widowati, delivered a closing speech and provided guidance to the participants of the medical radiation protection training. She emphasized the importance of preparing oneself with special qualifications to ensure radiation protection and safety in the utilization of nuclear energy, particularly in the fields of radiation therapy and nuclear medicine. Participants from hospitals and importers were urged to carefully prepare all necessary documents, procedures, and the use of personal protective equipment and radiation measurement devices. It was highlighted that one should never be careless because radiation cannot be felt, seen, smelled, or detected by our senses. Thanks were expressed to BAPETEN for entrusting them as a training institution, and hopes were expressed for future collaborations to produce a significant number of medical radiation protection officers and maintain radiation safety in all workplaces. Thanks were also given to RS Kariadi for their time, cooperation, and willingness to serve as a practical training venue for the participants.

Zaenal Arifiin, S.Si., M.Si., F.Med, the Manager of Smart Solution FSM UNDIP, also expressed his wishes for all participants to pass the training and be trusted as Medical Radiation Protection Officers, while emphasizing their commitment to maintaining radiation protection and safety wherever they may be.




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