Semarang, December 20, 2024 – The Physics Study Program at Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) proudly announces its outstanding achievement in obtaining “Excellent” accreditation from the Independent Accreditation Institution for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA). This decision was formalized through LAMSAMA Decree Number 139/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/XII/2024. The accreditation certificate is valid for five years, from December 20, 2024, to December 19, 2029.
The assessment process was conducted by a team of assessors comprising Prof. Dr. Ing. Setyawan Purnomo Sakti, M.Eng., and Prof. Dr. Retna Apsari, M.Si., who carried out an on-site evaluation from December 11 to 14, 2024, in Semarang. The assessors evaluated the performance of the UNDIP Physics Study Program based on various aspects, including the quality of education, research, community service, and program governance.
Head of the UNDIP Physics Study Program, Prof. Dr. Heri Sutanto, S.Si., M.Si., F.Med., stated, “This achievement is the result of the hard work of the entire academic community, faculty, students, and educational staff in the Physics Study Program at UNDIP. This ‘Excellent’ accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing quality education and making significant contributions to the development of physics in Indonesia.”
LAMSAMA, as an independent accreditation body, provides a comprehensive evaluation of study programs in the fields of science and formal sciences. This accomplishment strengthens the position of the UNDIP Physics Study Program as one of the leading programs in Indonesia, contributing to the production of high-quality graduates ready to compete nationally and internationally.
The accreditation certificate was issued by the Executive Board Director of LAMSAMA, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Drs. Ir. Mitra Djamal, IPU. ASEAN Eng., in Depok on December 20, 2024. With this “Excellent” accreditation, the UNDIP Physics Study Program is further solidified in its mission to provide the best contributions to science, technology, and society.



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