Wahyu Budi Utomo, a Physics student from Diponegoro University, guided by lecturer Oki Ade Putra, S.Si., M.Si., won 1st place in the essay category at the 2024 National Energy Seminar. The event, held from November 1-3, 2024, at Oakwood Merdeka Hotel in Bandung, was organized by the Pertamina Workers Union Unit 3 Marketing in collaboration with Pertamina Patra Niaga and the Serang Student Energy Council (DEM). The seminar brought together participants from various universities across Indonesia.

Wahyu’s achievement highlights the excellence of UNDIP Physics students in the fields of energy and innovation, and underscores the high-quality academic training provided at the university. This accomplishment not only brings pride to Diponegoro University but also serves as an inspiration for fellow students to actively engage in competitions and scientific research.

The National Energy Seminar is a platform that facilitates competition and collaboration among students on innovative ideas related to the development of renewable energy and solutions to Indonesia’s energy subsidy issues. UNDIP Physics hopes that this success will motivate the entire academic community to continue contributing positively to the advancement of science in Indonesia.

Greetings of enthusiasm from the Physics Department of Diponegoro University!




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