Hello, physicist!

Jendela Rumah Kita is an ongoing event organized by Physics Department, Diponegoro University and is a Teaching Physics Alumni program in facilitating physics students in particular to look at history and gain knowledge through the stories of great speakers from alumni and other great figures.

Very Special, Jendela Rumah Kita series 1 discusses entrepreneurship. Speaker is no less special, he is Mr. Arief Kurniawan, Commissioner of PT. Nugraha Express Line (JNE). The material provided includes the mean management of the organization in the case study at the company he occupied, NAMELY PT Tiki JNE. It’s interesting, isn’t it? Let’s take a look at his presentation!

About Source

Mr. Arief Kurniawan was born in Jakarta, October 27, 1980. He successfully completed his S-1 Education in Electronic Physics and Insturmentation at Diponegoro University in 2004 and studied S-2 Financial and Investment Management at one of the prestigious universities in Jakarta. Various works he has run, one of which is being a Senior Manager at PT Inti Latu Daya Prima (2012-2016) and Commissioner of PT TIKi Jalur Nugraha Express (2017-Present).

Organizational Management

In life always apply management,for example in lectures such as time management and finance. Management comes from the word“Manage” which means to take care, manage, organize, treat and implement something to achieve a common goal. Management in the company is the management of the organization so that it is closely related to the directors / leaders, strict implementation, governance / management of a company. The organization itself is a society of the same people who work together to achieve a common goal.

The management branch consists of financial management (management of the company’s money, cash flow of the company to obtain profit), marketing management (more towards strategic products to sell in the market), HR Management(Human capital,implementing performance in company activities), Operations management (manufacturing in a company, goods and services source profit), Strategy Management (general to all corners of the company in order to achieve the goals)

Case study

  1. Tiki JNE is a company engaged in service services. The company is different from its business process, which is about how togenerate money or revenue. Revenue is obtained from the delivery of goods / packages, the delivery process starts from First mile (Sender), Middle mile(jne agent, origin hub, air.land transportation, and destination hub) and last mile (recipient). As the digital market grows, a marketplace develops where sellers can offer goods sold and buyers can access them on smartphones. Sending services are very much helped by the existence of e-commerce transactions. Today it is assisted by the system so that there is a favorable relationship between users who access the marketplace and send services. When completing the marketplace order will be paid to the seller, and send postage to the expedition so the marketplace as a mediator and have a very high design. E-commerce transactions require reliable IT. At PT. JNE is called vice president of IT because the need is so great in the field of technology that a large department containing reliable IT.


In the course of a company there must be changes that require new solutions. JNE provides innovations such as automatic sorting system and accessible tracking of goods through smartphones with an application titled “my JNE”. According to him, people will be less willing to leave a smartphone than money because all transactions and finances can be done with a smartphone. My JNE application is considered solutive enough to change business processes towards more profit. Automatic sorting system is indicated to be according to the level of human error, human is used for supporting machines so that it can automatically be processed and sorted with relatively effective and efficient time.


“Physics is a conceptual work on the path of physics is legitimate only. One of the majors is a fool and justification from a lazy person. Never think that people who work outside the field of interest is a bad thing, because basically life is management prepare skills that support ideals and expectations”

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