Hello, physicist!

Jendela Rumah Kita is an ongoing event organized by Physics Department, Diponegoro University and is a Teaching Physics Alumni program in facilitating physics students in particular to look at history and gain knowledge through the stories of great speakers from alumni and other great figures.

Jendela Rumah Kita series 6 discusses about computational physics with speaker Baoak Luri Darmawan

About Source

Mr. Luri Darmawan is the CTO of PT. Cakti Teknologi Mandraguna and is a technology consultant. Born on May 4, 1974 in Jakarta. His career experience includes being Head of Information Technology at Rumah123.com in 2015-2017 and becoming a Developper in 2018 at Agrabudi Multimedia – ESQ. He studied physics at Diponegoro University in 1992. One of them is in the field of software development. Some of the technology that he worked on were primary and open source products, one of which was sms.me, dongKRAK, DingKLIK and KRAUX.

The Essential Art of NLP in chatbot Ecosystem

NLP is a natural language processing,one of which is done in the field of Communication Platfoam,An example is the creation of transkip when people speak so that it can be directly used as text without typing and other communication platforms.

Chatbox is a virtual robot chat service with artificial intelligence or AL(Artificial Intelligent)that mimics human conversation through voice messages, text chat or both. Chatbox uses a variety of cutting-edge technologies in it such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing (NLP).

Mr. Luri Darmawan created a boat called CARIK. CARIK was made because along with the development of technology and information needs are very fast and the use of smartphones that have been stylist and evenly distributed throughout the world, especially Indonesia. CARIK is a bot that uses Indonesian, developed with fastPlaz with Qpascal, a tex to speech feature in carik that is when there is text that is then transmitted into sound form.

The featurnya simple NLP text to speech include:

  1. Set a schedule/ Agenda
  2. The language translates the regional language into a universersal language, but currently it can only translate sundanese.
  3. Religious, looking for qibla, prayer schedule and others
  4. Health, doctor’s practice schedule
  5. Looking for a specific location, and many more

Users can also enable Voice Interaction i.e. voice mode is enabled with voice commands

Introduction and implementation of NLP

NLP is a branch of computer science that explores the natural language of humans. NLP can be created simply independently of the OS, easy to install on regular hosting and minimally database without RDBMS means all data is stored. There are many basic concepts of NLP described in the following figures:


Research about mechine learning NLP can be created independently or with the help of vendors.

Stemming word

Stemming is an integral part of information retrieval (IR) can also be said as the process of mapping and parsing the shape of a word into the form of the basic word, in short of turning the word withmbmb into a basic word.


There are several things to consider before creating a chatbot, namely:

  1. Architecture, about how the application or chatbot will be created
  2. Instrastructure,What equipment is needed
  3. Language, Programming language to be used
  4. What platform,platform to use


If you want to make an intergasi must also consider to the 4 faktof above. The challenges in creating an integration are as follows:

  1. Vocabulary/sentences
  2. Content will trus to grow
  3. Integration is getting more and more



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