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Jendela Rumah Kita is an ongoing event organized by Physics Department, Diponegoro University and is a Teaching Physics Alumni program in facilitating physics students in particular to look at history and gain knowledge through the stories of great speakers from alumni and other great figures.

Jendela Rumah Kita series 7 discusses An Introduction to Petroleum Exploration & Production with Mr. Teguh Suroso, S.Si, M.Si,

About Source

He is the father of Dr. Teguh Suroso, S.Si, M.Si., Lead speacialist- innovation Geophisiscs, Acting chief of innovation geophysics upstream and innovation– Pertamina Hulu Energi. He began his career in 1996-2002 at Elnusa Geosciences, golden geoscience, Schumber Wasterngeo, until a career at pertamina from 2010-Present. He is also actively a member of professional association namely SEG, IPA, and HAGI.

“In the Upstream Sector, the roles of reliable geophysical graduates are needed in the process of petroleum exploration and exploitation”

 An Introduction to Petroleum Exploration & Production

National needs in 2021 amounted to 1.2 million barrels while ESDM production was only 743 thousand barrels per day to cover the misfortune that Indonesia imported crude oil and mature oil. Mature oil is imported due to the limitations of oil refineries in Indonesia. Indonesia is targeting Net Zero Emission by 2060, a challenge for young physicists to develop and find new ideas in order to find new solutions within limitations. Multiply yourself about the field that wants to be equipped with mastery of technology as well.

Chemistry of Petroleum

Petroleum consists of hydrocarbons, carbon, and several other compounds, namely surfur (influential in reducing the combustion power of the oil), nitrogen, oxygen.

Oil and Gas Business Sectors

  1. Upstream, is an upstream sector activity consisting of oil and gas exploration
  2. Midstream, transportation processing, processing, and oil distribution
  3. Downstream, the process of marketing to consumers

The following is a scheme that covers 3 sectors of oil and gas

Upstream Sectors

Companies engaged in upstream one of them is PT. Pertamanita and PT. Elnusa. In the Upstream sector, the roles of reliable geophysical graduates are needed in the process of petroleum exploration and exploitation. Exploration is the investigation and exploration of areas that are estimated to contain valuable minerals by way of geological surveys and geophysical surveys while geophysical exploitation is the establishment of natural oil sources with the aim of generating economic benefits (Lemigas, 2003). Production activities / Production is an oil and gas industry activity that produces oil and gas so that it is ready for further effort (Lemigas, 2003)

How was the oil found?

Organic matter is sedimentated and buried underground when experiencing maturation organic matter will cause upward movement. There are 4 stages in the oil and gas exploration process, namely geological studies, geophysical studies, seismic studies and ending with exploration field drilling. Studies are conducted by reading books, matching regions with existing theories or even matching them with areas that have been explored before.

Exploration field arrangements

The exploration field usually consists of 3 layers, namely gas, oil and water. Most of them contain only gas and water. There is a boundary between oil and water, this limit is used to facilitate oil reserves then made appraisal well. When it has been explored until there is a mixture of water, it is necessary to inject with water vapor so that it has high pressure and oil flows upwards again and does not mix with water.

Futher development in exploring oil namely deeper, wider (Step out) and Upside

In general, there are two phases of exploration, namely exploration units and development units. Explorationist looking for as much oil reserves as possible, Development is tasked with draining as much as possible. These two parties have different thoughts trying to find reserves almost no matter the cost because the task is to find while the development people take into account and detect less nimble.

Value Chain

Exploration learns its shield for security, its trackingis clear or not and how it processes from source tod evelopment.

This is where the role of geoscience is needed before being proposed to development. The early stages look for references or literature drawn from pre-existing analogies, or books of seismic data. When there is a map or picture begin to disturb the exploration area. While exploration wells are wells that are still virgin, where the thickness of oil is thickest according to explorationist estimates.




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