Hello, physicist!

Jendela Rumah Kita is an ongoing event organized by Physics Department, Diponegoro University and is a Teaching Physics Alumni program in facilitating physics students in particular to look at history and gain knowledge through the stories of great speakers from alumni and other great figures.

Jendela Rumah Kita series 5 invites experts in the field of piping, namely Mr. Antonius Giri Martanto, S.Si, M.Si Manager of Engineering Service PT. KSB Indonesia

About Source

Mr. Antonius Giri Martanto, S.Si, M.Si is an engineering service Manager of Pt. KSB Indonesia was born in Wonogiri, Central Java 52 years ago. He completed his undergraduate program in physics at Diponegoro University in 1994 and a Master of Physics degree at Gadjah Mada University in 1998. He is experienced in the pumping industry. He went through more than ten trainings, one of which was Equipment &Service Training in Germany. He is also a member of the AIPSI(Pump Companies Association)technical team.


Competence is emerging from 3 things knowledge, skills and attitude. Skills are needed for example with the certificate of activity.

When competence is balanced with these 3 things it will increase the salary / salary obtained. Like the diagram above.

Newtonian Fluids

Newtonian fluids diagram and its relation to shear rate

A Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose viscosity voltage arises from its flow, at each point linearly correlated with the rate of local strain, the rate of change in its deformation over time.

This is proportional to the rate of change in the fluid velocity vector when a person moves away from the point in question in various directions.

Basic knowledge about piracy is still about bernoulli equations, Moody’s Diagram and Reynold Number that have been discussed in series 3. This time will be discussed in more depth how the expertise of physics in the pumping industry.

Implementation of Piracy in the Industry

  1. Firefighting and booster pump

The firefighting system in the building is still using a pump system. The control system must be equipped with a motor that is automatically used diesel engine. The following is a schematic diesel fire pump.

  1. Water applications

Its use in petrochemicals, desalination, cooling water, stormwater and sewage or wastewater. Below is a water desalination supply scheme.

System cooling water for example PLU with the following scheme:

Seawater intake,is the first step of pre-treatment,how to calculate the cost of choosing the right quality in evaluating the pumping in water.

  1. Borehole Pumps, Pumpsare elements that complement installations in drilling
  2. Vortex

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