Medical Physicist professional education in 2022 as the first and only one in Indonesia. The opening of professional education opened 2 classes, namely the new regular class (for new graduates) and the Past Learning Recognition (RPL) class for hospital teachers and medical physicists (fismed). Regular classes for 2 semesters (24 credits) and rpl classes for 1 semester (24 credits) with theoretical and practical materials in hospitals. The RPL class after 1 semester has completed a competency test organized by universities and professional organizations (referring to article 27 of the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 3 of 2020).The Competency Test for participants in the Medical Physicist professional program in 2023, this is the first to be held at the Acintya Persada Building of Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip on January 16, 2023 in collaboration with Faculty of Science and Technology Undip with the Indonesian Medical Physicists Alliance (AFISMI) as the professional organization of health workers. Before the competency test activity, the opening of the event by Prof.Dr. Kusworo Adi, S.Si., MT, Deputy Dean of Resources of Faculty of Science and Mathematics UNDIP and Supryanto Arjo Pawiro, Ph.D, as Chairman of AFISMI. The implementation of the competency test for the Past Learning Recognition (RPL) class includes a written test with material on 3 Radiodiagnostic and Interventional (RDI) installations, Radiotherapy (RT) and Nuclear Medicine (KN) as well as professional ethics. The next test is the interview test in parallel 3 competency materials of the field. Competency examiners totaled 9 people from 3 fields of RDI, RT and KN with 21 RPL participants, including from undip medical physics lecturers, UI, UNHAS and Medical Physicists at Dr. Hospital. Kariadi Semarang and Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital Jakarta. Participants apart from UNDIP and Kariadi to be prepared as residency teaching staff at UI and UNHAS so that fismed professional education can be held in 2 other places. Has carried out the competency test of the 21 participants smoothly and successfullyCongratulations on graduating from the medical physicist professional education, continue to work and contribute to the service of medical physicists for the better.




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