Congratulations UNDIP Physics GONCO TEAM who has successfully passed the semifinal stage of the 2019 IdeaNation event held at Graha Baramulti Jakarta on September 22-24, 2019. The GONCO TEAM also received funding of 5.5 million rupiah to run the project.

GONCO, which stands for Good Innovation of Bataco, is an innovation in the utilization of coconut fiber waste and bagasse combined with resin into concrete blocks which can function as emergency buildings / tents for post-tsunami victims. Gonco applies resin-based materials and catalysts as an adhesive and reinforcement system. Besides this GONCO brick is lego-shaped, so it has a lock and key adhesion. Lock and key adhesion is what makes GONCO bricks work more optimally.

Congratulations to the GONCO Team, among others, Muhammad Sabilul Rosyad Physics 18, Ibnu Riski Physics 16, Akrima Amalia Physics 17 and Advisor Lecturer Prof. Dr. Heri Sutanto, S.Sc., M.Sc.

UNDIP Physics GONCO TEAM will present their research work in Jakarta on Monday, September 23, 2019, May be given a smooth and successful 1st place (Gold Medal) 2019 IdeaNation event in Jakarta. Aamiin





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