Physics Study Program will become an excellent and reputable study program in education, research and applied physics development
- To prepare students with good moral, ethical, and national-minded with strong knowledge in the field of Science and Physics Applications to produce competitive graduates.
- To conduct innovative research in the field of physics and disseminate the results at national and international levels
- To be actively involved in the community problem solving by utilizing physics in n developing science and technology
General Purpose
Create Bachelors of Science in Physics field who are devoted to the God almighty, have patriotism to Indonesia, maintain and thrive on democracy, have analytical skills, are virtuous, develop good and strong personality, support and sustain changes and improvement in society. It can be achieved by following the principle of our national identity, maintaining and sustaining the unity of the people, and having the moral of Pancasila.
Particular Purpose
- Create qualified undergraduates who have basic skills in using observation and analytical equipments, and also able to explain physical phenomena.
- Obtain research results and innovative works in physics field, either theoretically or experimentally; able to provide information about research results in a national or international forum which supports competence for graduating.
- Apply research results and innovative works to solve problems faced by the society using the knowledge of physics.