Saturday (21/11) Universitas Diponegoro, in this case was initiated by a research and community service team, provided assistance a hand sanitizer and disinfectant totaling 175 liters to Pondok Pesantren Askhabul Kahfi Mijen Semarang. The event was packaged in socialization theme which was attended by 50 representatives of students from grade 12 Madrasah and SMK Askhabul Kahfi at the Askhabul Kahfi Islamic Boarding School Auditorium.
In an effort to increase the prevention of covid’s spread, UNDIP through the Department of Physics is conducting research by making more effective and efficient handsanitaizers and disinfectants.
Head of research Dr. Ali Khumaeni (UNDIP Physics Lecturer) in his presentation said that the disinfectant and handsanitizer formula is made from non-alcoholic nanoperac colloids. According to Ali, the nano size of colloidal silver can kill bacteria in 30 seconds. Not only that, Ali also provided a way to make a hand sanitizer from the nanoperak to Askhabul Kahfi students along with his team members, Evi Setiawati, M.Si and Zaenal Arifin, M.Si (UNDIP Physics Lecturer).
Head of Ponpes Askhabul Kahfi, KH. Nadlirin, M.Pd, in his speech, say thanks to UNDIP research team for providing this assistance. Hopefully the charity and goodness from UNDIP research team will be useful and be rewarded by Allah SWT. Aamiin.
In the future, The UNDIP research team also hopes the activities like this will be held more intensively by the internal UNDIP academic which will motivate public to share with other humans, especially during the current pandemic.