The first Webinar Series related to the collaboration between IPPT USM and UNDIP was held on April 15, 2023 with the theme Multimodality Cardiac Imaging. This webinar is attended by experts and medical practitioners from various countries who will share knowledge and experience about the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease with heart scanning techniques.

This event presented three expert speakers in this field, namely Dr. Noor Khairiah A. Karim, Dr. Pandji Triadyaksa, and Dr. Khadija Abdul Hamid. Dr. Noor Khairiah A. Karim presented the topic of Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography (CCT) and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMR) in diagnosing cardiovascular disease: An Overview. Dr. Pandji Triadyaksa presented the topic of Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Myocardial Iron Loading.Lastly, dr. Khadijah Abdul Hamid presented the topic of Overview of SPECT Cardiac Imaging in Nuclear Medicine

This webinar provides valuable information about multimodality technologies in heart disease diagnosis and helps experts and medical practitioners understand how best to combine these technologies to provide accurate and timely diagnoses.

This event was held using an online method which was attended by 284 participants from various professions including medical physicists, students and lecturers. The event was opened by the Dean of FSM and the Head of IPPT USM. The discussion was very interesting with the results of the latest research on myocardial case studies with magnetic resonance technology and single photon emission computed tomography. Hopefully it will inspire future research for undergraduate, master to doctoral students.




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