Lecturers of KBK Electronics & Instrumentation

Laboratory Facilities

International standard Laboratory Room
Undip Physics Electronics and Instrumentation Laboratory (ELINS) has followed the provisions of international standard provisions, one of which is the application of 5R work culture (Concise, Neat, Clean, Caring, Diligent). Some of the supporting facilities in the laboratory include 5GHz Wifi boxes, P3K boxes, Apar, storage lockers, air conditioners, LCD projectors, safety signs, 3 types of trash cans and many other supporting facilities. All laboratory facilities can be used by every laboratory user without exception.
ELINS laboratory has 2 types of oscilloscopes, namely digital and analog. Oscilloscope is an electronic measuring instrument whose function is to project the shape of electrical signals so that they can be seen and studied. On the oscilloscope is equipped with a cathode ray tube. Then the electron emitting device will project the electron beam onto the screen of the cathode ray tube. Analog oscilloscopes are used specifically for practicum because they are more complex in operation, while digital oscilloscopes are used specifically for lecturer and student research projects.

Function Generator
A function generator is an electronic test device that can generate various waveforms. Waveforms that can be produced by the Function Generator include Sine wave, Square wave, sawtooth wave, triangular wave and pulse wave. This function is slightly different from the RF Signal Generator or Audio Signal Generator which generally only focuses on generating sine waveforms and box waves.
3D Printer
3-dimensional coupling is the process by which matter is combined under computer control to create a three-dimensional object, with the material added together (such as liquid molecules or powder granules fused together). 3D printers are used in the manufacture of prototypes. Objects can be shapes or geometries and are typically generated using digital model data from 3D models derived from Additive Manufacturing Files (AMFs). There are several techniques used, such as stereolithography (STL) or fused deposit modeling (FDM). A 3D printer builds a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided CAD model or AMF file, usually by adding successive layers of material layer by layer.

Programmable Logic Controller means a microprocessor used for automation of industrial processes such as supervision and control of machines on the assembly line of a factory. PLCs have input and output devices that are used to connect with outside devices such as sensors, relays, magnetic contactors and others. The programming language used to operate PLC is different from ordinary programming language. The language used is Ladder, which contains only input-process-output. Called Ladder, because the shape of the display of the programming language is indeed like a ladder display. Besides using ladder programming, PLC can also be programmed with SFC programming.
PLC Kit Trainer
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a microprocessor used for automation of industrial processes such as monitoring and controlling machines on the assembly line of a factory. PLCs have input and output devices that are used to connect with outside devices such as sensors, relays, magnetic contactors and others. The programming language used to operate PLC is different from ordinary programming language. The language used is Ladder, which contains only input-process-output. Called Ladder, because the shape of the display of the programming language is indeed like a ladder display.

Electrical Measuring Instruments
ELINS Laboratory has electrical measuring instruments including digital and analog Multimeters, Wattmeters, AC Ampermeters and many others. Analog and digital multimeters can be used to measure DC current and voltage, AC voltage, resistance, capacitor capacitance, and can check conductivity and diodes.