Congratulations to Prof. Muhammad Nur, Vice Chairman of ICMI Jateng, who managed to get the technology innovation award at the 31st ICMI & Milad ICMI Conference.

The Association of Muslim Scholars in Indonesia abbreviated as ICMI is an organization of Muslim scholars in Indonesia formed on December 7, 1990 at a meeting of Muslim scholars in Malang city on December 6-8, 1990. At the meeting was also chosen Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie as the first Chairman of ICMI. Chairman of ICMI period 2021-2026 Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, M.Si was elected in Muktamar VII on December 4 – 6, 2021 in Bandung.

“Thank you, all of you. Award to MILAD ICMI and 7th Muktamar. For ICMI members who have contributed to the wider community. This Award have two category. 1. Author of book 2. Technological Innovation. So ICMI choose from the icmi regional proposal. Orwil Jateng proposed me. Get selected. Actually the official event was given by Mr. Yusuf Kala and ICMI administrators. Many things, from ICMI conference we are increasingly aware that the public is waiting for the contribution of scholars to improve things. Demographic bonus issues, generation X, are changing very quickly with the digital revolution and artificial intelligence and life after the pandemic. Hopefully we can fill the rest of the time with something more meaningful Aamiin πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™. “Prof. Muhammd Nur

With this award, more convincing the quality of educators in Physics Department continues to improve over time to support the teaching and learning process for Physics students of Physics Department. In addition, this is proof that physics is not just a science, but can be used in everyday in life. Bravo Physics.




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